Converting netCDF time (hours since 1-1-1 00:00:00.0) to actual date

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Does anyone out there know how to do the conversion I have noted above? datestr() and datenum() are not helping much. For example:
a = time(1,1);
a = 17298624;
b = datestr(a);
b = 08 - Jan - 7362
When the data is a monthly mean from Jun 1974 with a time step of per month. The files are from
  1 个评论
yaxin sun
yaxin sun 2020-5-4
This friend,I have some similar problems with yours ,I also want to know that how to deal with this problem about you .



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-6-19
Divide "a" by 24 as it is hours but datestr() needs days. And then add 367 to the result in order to compensate for the time base of 1-1-1 instead of datestr()'s time base of 0-0-0 . (datestr thinks year 0 was a leap year.)
  4 个评论


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